This script is for tracing or finding particular object to do something i.e. onPress
_root.myForeground.cascade_endothelial.onPress = function() {
// here are another script which action done under above main script.
This script is for button, on pressing it goes / jumps to second frame of seg3 (child movie of child movie) of myForeground (child movie of parent movie) from main timeline. But you have to give stop() command in first frame of seg3 movie.
on(release) {
tellTarget ("_parent.myForeground.seg3") {
gotoAndPlay("Seg3", 2);
This is for stop all sounds which are running in the movie.stopAllSounds();
To set Volume at 100%Volume = 100;
To set Variable for soundvar my_Sound = new Sound();
To attach sound file from Librarymy_Sound.attachSound("anim3_AUDIO");
To set Volume for soundmy_Sound.setVolume(Volume);
This is for start myMusic sound variable which made earlier.myMusic.start();
So whole script should be like below for play sound file in movie
Volume = 100;
Sound_status = false;
var my_Sound = new Sound();
Sound_status = !Sound_status;
InstanceName_4 is dynamic text box & scroll is attached. This command is for refresh / place top button of scroll.
InstanceName_4.scroll = 0;
This is for place text externally in dynamic text box(i.e. InstanceName_4), so scrollbar works properly which is attached to this text box.
InstanceName_4.htmlText = "As a result of your.";
By this command, External Movie loads in object “Frame”
loadMovie ("20050402.swf", "frame");
When user press “e” button on keyboard, activity will start which is given in bracket.
on (keyPress "e") {
When user click mouse button given area, activity will start which is given in bracket.
on (press) {
xstart = _root._xmouse;
ystart = _root._ymouse;
on (release) {
xend = _root._xmouse;
yend = _root._ymouse;
if (xstart != xend) {
When user click button, then movie (in library) start in box (on stage) directly. It means movie load from library.
attachMovie_btn.onRelease = function () {
_root.attachMovie(“McTrio”, “trio_mc”, 1);
trio_mc._x = 275;
trio_mc._y = 200;
When user click button, firstly it goes in scene 2 & then previous movie (in library) stops on stage. It means movie unload from library.
goScene_btn.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop(“Scene 2”, 1);
When user enters in movie & start dragging, then below command is for entering in movie & mouse dragging on movie. (it’s like magnifying glass demo)
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
startDrag (this, true); //movie attached to mouse drag by user
When user click on button it loads external movie directly.
on(release) {
When user click on button, full screen & movie close.
on(press) {
fscommand(“Quit”, “”);
When user click on button, external sound load & play.
on(release) {
mySound = new Sound();
When animation start from or enter in first frame, action will start which written under function().onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.displayNumber = _root._currentframe; // displayNumber is var name of dynamic text
On Button pressed, “Rounds” object’s width property changes as per given or typed in “textbox”.
on(release) {
setProperty("_root.rounds", _width, _root.textbox);
// _rotation, _alpha, _height, _visible, _x (position), _y (position) ------these are another properties
Set value in “textbox” object as “0”
_root.textbox = "0";
This is “if” function which adds conditional logic for the submit button that validates user input. Here “url_txt” is a input textbox. PLUS sign(+) is joins 2 text.
this.submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (url_txt.text == null url_txt.text == "")
getURL ("http://"+url_txt.text);
On press mouse button or ENTER key, action will start. This action applies to button only.
on(release, keyPress "
") {
On press mouse button, color changes of “mc” object.
on(release) {
Picasso = new Color(;
Define New Color as “Paint” to brush object.
Paint = new Color(_root.brush);
Set Color ID to “Paint”, so paint contains color & applies to brush.
Set full screen of whole movie.
fscommand(“Full Screen”, true);
To change alpha property of an item, on clicking.
on (release) {
setProperty("_root.Fish", _alpha, "0");
Below script is attached the Enter button for finding the right answer, “answer” is the input text box var name. We can use this script for password to open.
on (release, keyPress "")
if (answer eq "rooster" or answer eq "cockerel")
gotoAndPlay ("win");
if (answer eq "hen" or answer eq "chicken")
gotoAndStop ("boy");
gotoAndStop ("wrong");
For changing colors of an movie.
On pressing EXIT or QUIT button, movie or player will close.
on (release) {